Holiday DIY Decor: Yarn Christmas Tree Cones

I got inspired to do these super simple and cheap Christmas trees after seeing a pin on pinterest that came from 

soo cute and rustic! But I didn’t have any hemp yarn so I used some thick wool yarn (and instead of styrofoam cones like the ones uses, I used paper cones). All you need is a few yards of thick yarn of your favorite color, a glue gun and a paper or styrofoam cone and you are in business baby!

A simple, easy, chic and unique DIY Holiday Decoration!

Anyone out there done any of their own DIY Holiday decorations lately?  I am always looking for inspiration!

It’s (almost) the Most Wonderful Tiiiiiiiime of the Year!

oh yay. my husband and I have this debate every year at this time….when is it okay to put up Christmas decorations? We figure we have to at least get through Halloween.

 So…..November 1st?

I know, I know, it is getting ridiculous, but I love the Holiday Season. I think besides the standard reasons to like Christmas (building a snowman, lighting the fire, drinking hot chocolate, spending time with loved ones) I love it because there is so much fun stuff for me to DO! Making gifts, wrapping them, DECORATIONS!

 And I have a REALLY good excuse to make a mess b.c. if anyone loves Christmas more than me it’s my husband: “But babe, it’s a Christmas decoration!”

 I’ve already got a list going of Christmas DIY ideas and if I can’t put them up on November 1st, I can at least start making them, right? RIGHT??

I love anything that incorporates branches! I found this on pinterest but unfortunately it didn’t have a credit. I think I’ve seen it in a decorating magazine (like that narrows it down)

 This is from the amazing website, you can go there for decorations. I was thinking of doing the pom poms out of tissue paper, but then it couldn’t go outside…hmmmm decisions, decisions! 
 This lovely craft comes from I love how simple it looks but it makes a big statement, and I think I could do something like this with the kids in my art class! 
 This beautiful Christmas mantle and garland comes from Dottie Angel’s Flickr: if this is her home….I am AMAZED and jealous. 
another easy ornament idea from  

I LOVE this DIY idea! It is just the the project I could get obsessed with…time consuming but so cute! Hmm….maybe I’ll start on this one first. from
any diy projects you can’t wait to get started on?