A Creative Style Meets Art Collaboration: A Season-Less Starter Wardrobe



This past year, I was lucky enough to spend time with and get to know an all around amazing lady, Shana Draugelis. Not only is she stunning and full of life and a kick-ass mom (to two of my favorite kids ever)but she happens to have one of the BEST style blogs out there: The Mom Edit (previously called Ain’t No Mom Jeans).  Needless to say, I was a bit in awe and intimidated. I mean, check her out:




yeah….how can you not??

 She had seen a little bit of my artsy stuff and approached me with an idea for for her blog.  Her readers were wanting her to come up with an essential starter wardrobe and she wanted me to illustrate the pieces for her. She gave me the list of items she wanted included and over the next several (SEVERAL) months I spent drawing, and painting and throwing away and starting over and just being my typical self (lacking confidence that my pieces were good enough). But every time I sent her anything she was her usual positive self and quickly way-laid any of my fears. So the following is what she put up on her website which is her wardrobe pieces, illustrated by myself!
In typical fashion,  I couldn’t let myself look at the final product on her blog for a bit- I was worried of it not doing justice to her blog but when I saw her recently she told me that her readers loved it and I was blown away by the nice things that were said. I have never done anything like this project before, but it was so much fun and I would love to continue doing more pieces like this. Shana asked if I ever thought about fashion blogging (lord knows clothes are my favorite creative outlet hahaha!) and I would love to incorporate more of that into this blog….I don’t have that model-esque body like Shana at The Mom Edit, but this year of 30 is all about loving me for me.   Yeah girl! Here are a few more of the pics I stole from her website and how she created specific outfits for different events:


A Creative Style Meets Art Collaboration: A Season-Less Starter Wardrobe




all art was done by Jessica Ross Sheffield.
If you are interested in me creating something for you, I would love to! Email me at: forourcity@gmail.com


” He hangs in shades the orange bright / 
Like golden lamps in a green night.”

– Andrew Marvell

felted scarf/ jewel orange with red accents $35.00 by Karlita

Guardian Angel” 11 x 14 Print $24.00 by CollectArtWork

 Recycled T-Shirt Sphere Pillow in Bright Orange MINI $50.00 by talkingsquid

SHANGRI LA Silk Cushion Cover, Throw Pillow, 50 x 30 cm, 20 x 12 inch $40.00 by bestillshop

Bold Original Recycled Art Assemblage Songbird Collection Mix (2011) $350.00 by dolangeiman

The World Traveler – recycled paper butterfly shadow box $100.00 by krystlerose

24k gold Turquoise and Carnelian necklace $350.00 by omiya

I’ll have one of each in orange please. k. 


you can also view the entire list which includes MORE orange-tastic items here: