Holiday DIY Decor: Yarn Christmas Tree Cones

I got inspired to do these super simple and cheap Christmas trees after seeing a pin on pinterest that came from 

soo cute and rustic! But I didn’t have any hemp yarn so I used some thick wool yarn (and instead of styrofoam cones like the ones uses, I used paper cones). All you need is a few yards of thick yarn of your favorite color, a glue gun and a paper or styrofoam cone and you are in business baby!

A simple, easy, chic and unique DIY Holiday Decoration!

Anyone out there done any of their own DIY Holiday decorations lately?  I am always looking for inspiration!

A Student’s Artwork: Our Classroom Tree House

I was so touched by this 2nd grader’s drawing that I scanned it into my computer and want to get a professional copy of it framed….

At the beginning of the year, the students wrote about their “Ideal Tree houses” for a creative writing lesson. They all really loved writing about their dream tree houses and included some pretty cool stuff (lots of slides, elevators, swimming pools, hidden rooms, ect) and one student took it a step further and drew a tree house that had a room for every student and teacher in it!

When I saw it, I almost teared up (I’m a big softie), because I figured, being a teacher, my room would be extra small and tucked away in a corner, far from all the fun stuff. BUT, lo and behold, ole’ Mrs. Sheffy had not one but TWO of her own rooms….one was for living in and the second (the one that really got me) was my own art studio!
My living room is the first room to the right of the ladder, as you are climbing from the bottom up..titled “Mrs. S.” (I love it, I’m Mrs. S!) and then my art gallery is on the same level but all the way to the right..titled “Mrs. S art gallery” in smooshed letters…its kind of small, but thats okay, art galleries don’t have to be big! Here is a close up shot…

 I love working with this age of kids because they are such big dreamers and (most) see the best in each other still and I thought it was so wonderful, I wanted to get a group hug and stand in a circle holding hands singing the Barney song or something… (okay, no not really, but still)….just wanted to share.

Also, I am thinking of adapting her artwork into an art lesson, I think it would be really cool. So creative and sweet.

you are the…

a new idea I had the other night when I was watching What About Bob…(my favorite movie) and thinking of how I feel like sometimes I am Bob Wiley and my husband is Dr. Leo Marvin.

and it just kept going from there….

you are the milo to my otis.

you are the fraggle to my rock.

you are the elliott to  my e.t.
 (can you tell I grew up in the late 80’s/early 90s?)

It’s (almost) the Most Wonderful Tiiiiiiiime of the Year!

oh yay. my husband and I have this debate every year at this time….when is it okay to put up Christmas decorations? We figure we have to at least get through Halloween.

 So…..November 1st?

I know, I know, it is getting ridiculous, but I love the Holiday Season. I think besides the standard reasons to like Christmas (building a snowman, lighting the fire, drinking hot chocolate, spending time with loved ones) I love it because there is so much fun stuff for me to DO! Making gifts, wrapping them, DECORATIONS!

 And I have a REALLY good excuse to make a mess b.c. if anyone loves Christmas more than me it’s my husband: “But babe, it’s a Christmas decoration!”

 I’ve already got a list going of Christmas DIY ideas and if I can’t put them up on November 1st, I can at least start making them, right? RIGHT??

I love anything that incorporates branches! I found this on pinterest but unfortunately it didn’t have a credit. I think I’ve seen it in a decorating magazine (like that narrows it down)

 This is from the amazing website, you can go there for decorations. I was thinking of doing the pom poms out of tissue paper, but then it couldn’t go outside…hmmmm decisions, decisions! 
 This lovely craft comes from I love how simple it looks but it makes a big statement, and I think I could do something like this with the kids in my art class! 
 This beautiful Christmas mantle and garland comes from Dottie Angel’s Flickr: if this is her home….I am AMAZED and jealous. 
another easy ornament idea from  

I LOVE this DIY idea! It is just the the project I could get obsessed with…time consuming but so cute! Hmm….maybe I’ll start on this one first. from
any diy projects you can’t wait to get started on?